
Stainless steel fittings, piping and shut-off valves
Name Marking Dnar, mm Description Characteristics
Lanthanated electrode WL 20 1.6 WL20– Tungsten doped with lanthanum oxide (VL). For welding on alternating and direct current, both stainless steels and aluminum and alloys. Marking color – St.blue Welding current: -post. direct polarity, A- 40-100 -post. reverse polarity, A- 10-18 -variable, A- 20-50
Lanthanated electrode WL 20 2 WL20– Tungsten doped with lanthanum oxide (VL). For welding on alternating and direct current, both stainless steels and aluminum and alloys. Marking color – St.blue Welding current: -post. direct polarity, A- 40-100 -post. reverse polarity, A- 10-18 -variable, A- 20-50
Lanthanated electrode WL 20 2.4 WL20– Tungsten doped with lanthanum oxide (VL). For welding on alternating and direct current, both stainless steels and aluminum and alloys. Marking color – St.blue Welding current: -post. direct polarity, A- 40-100 -post. reverse polarity, A- 10-18 -variable, A- 20-50
Lanthanated electrode WL 20 3 WL20– Tungsten doped with lanthanum oxide (VL). For welding on alternating and direct current, both stainless steels and aluminum and alloys. Marking color – St.blue Welding current: -post. direct polarity, A- 40-100 -post. reverse polarity, A- 10-18 -variable, A- 20-50
Lanthanated electrode WL 20 3.2 WL20– Tungsten doped with lanthanum oxide (VL). For welding on alternating and direct current, both stainless steels and aluminum and alloys. Marking color – St.blue Welding current: -post. direct polarity, A- 40-100 -post. reverse polarity, A- 10-18 -variable, A- 20-50
Lanthanated electrode WL 20 4 WL20– Tungsten doped with lanthanum oxide (VL). For welding on alternating and direct current, both stainless steels and aluminum and alloys. Marking color – St.blue Welding current: -post. direct polarity, A- 40-100 -post. reverse polarity, A- 10-18 -variable, A- 20-50
Thoriated electrode WT 20 1.6 WT20 –Tungsten alloyed with thorium oxide (2%), is usually used for direct current welding of carbon and stainless steels, copper, titanium and similar metals. The marking color is red. Welding current: -post. direct polarity, A- 80-120 -post. reverse polarity, A- 12-20 Weight, g 10.3
Thoriated electrode WT 20 2 WT20 –Tungsten alloyed with thorium oxide (2%), is usually used for direct current welding of carbon and stainless steels, copper, titanium and similar metals. The marking color is red. Welding current: -post. direct polarity, A- 80-120 -post. reverse polarity, A- 12-20 Weight, g 10.3
Thoriated electrode WT 20 2.4 WT20 –Tungsten alloyed with thorium oxide (2%), is usually used for direct current welding of carbon and stainless steels, copper, titanium and similar metals. The marking color is red. Welding current: -post. direct polarity, A- 80-120 -post. reverse polarity, A- 12-20 Weight, g 10.3
Thoriated electrode WT 20 3 WT20 –Tungsten alloyed with thorium oxide (2%), is usually used for direct current welding of carbon and stainless steels, copper, titanium and similar metals. The marking color is red. Welding current: -post. direct polarity, A- 80-120 -post. reverse polarity, A- 12-20 Weight, g 10.3
Thoriated electrode WT 20 3.2 WT20 –Tungsten alloyed with thorium oxide (2%), is usually used for direct current welding of carbon and stainless steels, copper, titanium and similar metals. The marking color is red. Welding current -post. direct polarity, A- 80-120 -post. reverse polarity, A- 12-20 Weight, g 10.3
Thoriated electrode WT 20 4 WT20 –Tungsten alloyed with thorium oxide (2%), is usually used for direct current welding of carbon and stainless steels, copper, titanium and similar metals. The marking color is red. Welding current: -post. direct polarity, A- 80-120 -post. reverse polarity, A- 12-20 Weight, g 10.3
Thoriated electrode WT 20 4.8 WT20 –Tungsten alloyed with thorium oxide (2%), is usually used for direct current welding of carbon and stainless steels, copper, titanium and similar metals. The marking color is red. Welding current: -post. direct polarity, A- 80-120 -post. reverse polarity, A- 12-20 Weight, g 10.3
Yttrated electrode WY 20 1.6 WY 20 is a tungsten electrode doped with yttrium oxide (VI). For welding on alternating current (aluminum and its alloys) and direct current (stainless steels). It has a better load capacity by welding current. The marking color is blue. Welding current: -post. direct polarity, A- 60-160 -post. reverse polarity, A- 10-18 -variable, A- 40-100 Weight, g 6.6
Yttriated electrode WY 20 1.6 WY 20 is a tungsten electrode doped with yttrium oxide (VI). For welding on alternating current (aluminum and its alloys) and direct current (stainless steels). It has a better load capacity by welding current. The marking color is blue. Welding current: -post. direct polarity, A- 60-160 -post. reverse polarity, A- 10-18 -variable, A- 40-100 Weight, g 6.6

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We are a manufacturer of our products, so the cost of goods depends only on the market value of the steel grade, you can get the best prices for standard and non-standard products from us.

We carry out orders for the manufacture of non-standard stainless steel products of any complexity, with the latest works you can read here

Delivery and payment:

We provide free delivery to the terminals of transport companies in St. Petersburg, or delivery to St. Petersburg at the address, so that you can receive the goods as conveniently as possible for yourself. Payment is made by bank transfer.

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